Feelin' hot, hot, hot on the dancefloor  
Author: LeighAdams
Published: Thu 21 Jun 2018
Keywords: London, salsa, bachata, kizomba, classes, courses, holidays, lessons, special offers
Read: 1294 times
Feelin' hot, hot, hot on the dancefloor
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Readers of the London Salsa newsletter come from all over the world, so we start this week by saying we hope you have enjoyed the performance of your team in the football world cup.  I know it may interrupt your salsa lesson schedule, so check out www.londonsalsa.co.uk for great replacements.

I know all the talk this week all over town has been about just how hot, hot, hot it has been. How to stay cool in the dance floorHowever converts already know you can find the heat any day of the year in London simply by finding the heatwave that is the salsa party. Our article on the best way to be the coolest dancer on the floor is worth a read.

Where are you dancing over the coming week? 
Who will you share the most fun parts of your life with?
And that is why London Salsa and our sister sites exist. Hop onto the site and a full choice of lessons, parties, band nights, workshops and more are at your fingertips.

Talking fingertips, start to think how important they are whilst dancing. To give or receive leads and for styling. Having been a leader for most of my dancing journey, I never really appreciated how much followers have to think about when dancing until I started doing it. Now I know why ladies styling sessions are so popular.

Every month the salseros of London look forward to the Thursday Salsa Social in Conway Hall, Holborn, where Pexava serve up top DJs, an excellent lesson, normally a show or 2 plus orange wedges at the end.

Bachata and salsa lessons are followed by social dancing in Carshalton each Thursday with SPT Salsa Party Time.

Putney Salsa ClubFor bachata and salsa lessons on Friday, try Putney Salsa club 

On the other side of town, All Stars Salsa Fridays in Whetstone hosts  lessons in salsa, semba and bachata plus a social.

Near the Barbican in central London, Maria Palmieri and her Salsa Tropical team are running an intensive Saturday course for beginners and improvers,

DJ Hughie is on the decks for the free Latin night in Stratford, East London.

Members heading to the live salsa band night in Guildford are welcome to quote London Salsa to enjoy a £2 discount.

On Sunday there is a smooth styling one day workshop in Bar Salsa Soho that is aimed at intermediate plus levels. Claim a fiver off the normal price for the course by quoting LondonSalsa.

Bar Salsa Soho

As always our advice is to use the London Salsa web site or download the Global Dance Card app (www.globaldancecard.com) for even more information - if you want to enjoy a member's offer look for the stars.

As the summer approaches many of the lesson nights can thin out. This means if you are taking group lessons, you have more individualised teaching, whilst on the dance floor you can be more expansive. Enjoy the freedom and the extra value tuition.

Hoping all have a a solid week of dancing fun and fitness, 

Leigh and the London Salsa Team

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