Hoping you have had a relaxing festive season filled with your favourite foods and people.
Having put on a couple of kilos (or lbs in my language), perhaps your thoughts today have turned to burning them off in a social manner?
Potentially you are thinking of new years resolutions, possibly meeting a few new friends, learning a skill or simply want to break the cycle for 2025.
You know already that I'm going to suggest taking up, or of course, going back to an old hobby that has social and fitness as part of the ethos.
www.londonsalsa.co.uk are honoured that hosts of such activities add their own salsa classes, courses and social events.
Go out, dance into the New Year and then, take a new dance lesson. It could be a passion for life that extends it.
A little favour asked, especially as you are a reader of the newsletter - when you go out dancing, lessons or socials, please mention, as you enter, that you first saw the event or teacher when browsing on www.LondonSalsa.co.uk or our directory sites at www.A2Z.Events and www.ukDance.Events - some have forgotten just how effective we are on their and your behalves. |