Planting Sunflowers to create Smiles  
Author: LeighAdams
Published: Mon 5 Apr 2021
Keywords: Sunflowers, Smiling, Health, Wellbeing
Read: 1778 times


A2Z.Events and our fellow web sites will be supporting the Sunflower Gang.

On the premise that sunflowers make people smile, a new web site, has been set up this year to encourage us to plant sunflowers to create more smiles.

Please plant in windows and gardens to make yours the smiliest neighbourhood.

If planting outside a workplace, school, vaccination centre or anywhere public, please seek permission to help in making people smile.

If potting up and giving to friends or family, remind them please to pop outside so the bees and birds can also enjoy them.

Although the concept is germinating in the UK, please share, as I'm sure we'd like the whole world to also smile.

If a sunflower makes you smile this year, please let the Sunflower Gang know.